Wednesday, May 21, 2014

32 Weeks!

I cannot believe there are only 51 days until Mason's due date. We had my 32-week check up this week that also included a regular ultrasound and we paid extra for a 4D ultrasound! Getting to see Mason's sweet baby face was the highlight of my life as a mommy! (with lots of highlights to come!) My mom, Brandon's mom & step mom all got to come to the appointment. We all oohed & awed over him. He was also putting on a little show for us. He would show his face and then bring both his hands up really fast so we couldn't see him. The ultrasound technician also said he kept grabbing his feet and pulling them towards his head! lol He's such a little ham already. I CANNOT WAIT TO MEET HIM!!!

This was my favorite pic of the bunch! His hand is on his chin :)

I also had another shower! It was hosted by my sister-in-loves and some friends from church! It was such a sweet time. My mom & sister got to come too! Mason is so loved already! And I absolutely love that!

32 Weeks

Due date: July 11, 2014
Countdown: 7 weeks & 2 days!! 51 DAYS YALL! This is getting so real.
Size of the baby: About the size of a pineapple
Maternity clothes: Yes yes & yes
Gender: BOY! (this was proven even MORE at our 4D ultrasound this week.. got a CLEAR shot that I won't post on the world wide web for my son's sake! lol)
Movement: More & more. And now it's getting a tad painful. Still fun though!
Sleep: blah.
What I miss: This week I'm missing margaritas. I could soooo go for that & some chips & hot sauce right now! YUM!
Cravings: Ice cream (sweets in general), cereal, pizza... you know. all the healthy stuff. :)
Symptoms: other than just FEELING really preggo?
Best moment this week:  Seeing my sweet baby boy's face at the 4D ultrasound! I stare at his picture all day long now!!
What I'm looking forward to in the next week: The ending of the month! That means we're getting closer to July!!!

Monday, May 12, 2014

Baby Shower & Mother's Day [31 Weeks]

I missed a few more weeks. Oops. Oh well, onto bigger news.

Am I really already 31 weeks along??? This is unreal! Seriously. Only 9 sweet weeks until Mason's due date!! Our next ultrasound (4D! I can't wait!) is May 20th. I will get to see my sweet baby boy and finally get to see what he looks like! I'm sure he'll look exactly like Brandon. But I still can't wait to see :)

These last few weeks have been interesting, but great. I'm making many more frequent trips to the potty (TMI? Oh well). I'm sleeping a whole lot less. And I'm just really FEELING pregnant. I feel more pressure on my bladder. I have NO torso, so there's really not a lot of room for him to go. He's been kicking me like crazy! To the point where it's starting to get a tad bit uncomfortable at times. But I sure do love feeling him move around. I think I'm going to miss that after I deliver him. But getting to SEE him move will be so much better, I know.

This past weekend, Brandon's mom (Mrs. Kim aka Gama), his sister (Amanda aka Aunt Mander), and his grandmother (Mrs. Gail aka Grammy) hosted a sweet baby shower for me. The theme was Noah's Arc. Mason got TONS of amazing stuff! And we still have two more showers to go!! He is such a loved little boy already. And I love that! (See pics below)

This past weekend was also Mother's Day! My brother's family, my sister's family, and Brandon and I got to surprise my mom! We showed up at her church and then we all went to eat lunch together. We only got to spend a few hours together, but it was sooooo worth the early drive to Little Rock!! My momma is so special to me so I wanted to be sure we made it a very special day for her!

31 Weeks

Due date: July 11, 2014
Countdown: 8 weeks and 4 days! ONLY 60 DAYS!!!!!
Size of the baby: About the size of a head of lettuce
Maternity clothes: Uh huh!
Gender: BOY! Mason Richard!
Movement: A wholeeeee lot.
Sleep: Toss & turn is more like it.
What I miss: I still miss laying on my stomach.
Cravings: Cereal! Like...bad.
Symptoms: All kinds.
Best moment this week:  Having a baby shower & getting to surprise my mom for Mother's Day!
What I'm looking forward to in the next week: MASON'S 4D ULTRASOUND!!!!!!!