Tuesday, April 22, 2014

28 Weeks and Third Trimester!

Well helloooo there third trimester!! Nice to meet you!! I can't believe I'm already 28 weeks. This pregnancy has literally flown by! We are now counting down the DAYS until we meet our baby boy!

!!!!!!!!! 80 DAYS !!!!!!!!!
[until Mason's due date]
28 Weeks

Due date: July 11, 2014
Countdown: 11 weeks and 3 days! aaahhhh!
Size of the baby: About the size of a small cabbage!
Maternity clothes: Yup.
Gender: BOY! Mason Richard!
Movement: A LOT! I've been noticing lots of movement at 10:00am and 3:00pm.
Sleep: not.good.
What I miss: I so badly miss laying on my stomach :(
Cravings: Mexican Punch! haha it's soooo sugary though so I'm trying to resist!!
Symptoms: I've had more pressure on my bladder lately.. lots of trips to the ladies room lol
Best moment this week:  Getting to hear my sweet baby's heartbeat Monday at my check up.
What I'm looking forward to in the next week: Celebrating one year of marriage to the love of my life!!

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

27 Weeks!

27 Weeks

Due date: July 11, 2014
Countdown: 12 weeks and 3 days! aaahhhh!
Size of the baby: About the of a head of cauliflower!
Maternity clothes: Yup.
Gender: BOY! Mason Richard!
Movement: Quite a bit. He's starting to kick when I sing.. love it :)
Sleep: Ehh not too much. Tossing & turning a LOT.
What I miss: I cooked Brandon fried eggs the other day and I realized how much I missed being able to eat over easy fried eggs!
Cravings: MILK! It's like I can't get enough of it.
Symptoms: Same as usual. Typical preggo symptoms.
Best moment this week:  Getting to see my parents on Friday! I miss them!
What I'm looking forward to in the next week: Getting to celebrate a high school/college friend and sing in her wedding next weekend in Hot Springs!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

26 Weeks!!

26 Weeks

Due date: July 11, 2014
Countdown: 13 weeks and 2 days or 3 months and 1 day away! CRAZY!!!
Size of the baby: About the size of a cucumber!
Maternity clothes: All day, errday.
Gender: BOY! Mason Richard!
Movement: A lot! Especially around 3:00 in the afternoon. I look down at my stomach and can see him kicking/punching me. He's so sweet :)
Sleep: Starting to get less and less... and yes, I know it's just God's way of preparing me for when Mason arrives. No sleep in my future. Cool.
What I miss: Not really missing anything this week :)
Cravings: Sweets, sweets, and more sweets. Coke Icees. And still milk! Which is so weird to me.
Symptoms: Big belly. Back ache. Restless leg syndrome. Ya know...just being pregnant.
Best moment this week:  Getting to have Huddle this week. (Huddle is a small group of women from church..it's our disciple/fellowship time). I love having a core group of women I can share my life with and I always leave feeling encouraged!
What I'm looking forward to in the next week: Going to Arkansas for a couple of days! Yay!

Here are some other random facts that I haven't been mentioning in the updates:
Food aversions: BBQ! This entire pregnancy, I have not been able to stand BBQ. At. All. Ick.
Nursery Colors: The walls in his room will be gray, so we are doing navy blue, white & gray. And yes, I realize those are Dallas Cowboys colors. That may or may not have been intentional. You're welcome, Brandon.
Caffeine: Yes, I've still been consuming caffeine. I did some research right when we found out we were pregnant to try and figure out how much is a safe amount. I stay way under the safe amount. A lot of people have been surprised that I did not give this up. But having raging hormones and trying to quit Diet Coke is just NOT a good combo! This may be something I try and quit before having Baby #2 though :)
Breastfeeding or no?: Such a controversial topic these days. Yes, I will be breastfeeding for as long as I can. Meaning, if I get to stay home with Mason & not have to return to work, this will be his primary source of nutrients. If I have to return to work, we will be switching over to formula. So that's that.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

100 days and counting...

25 weeks. Only 14 weeks and 2 days until Mason's due date. 3 months and 8 days until his due date. 100 DAYS LEFT until his due date! HOLY MOLY! The closer and closer his due date gets, the more anxiety/overwhelmed I get! I know, I know. "Don't stress! It's not good for the baby!" But I think any mom out there knows exactly what I'm feeling.
We have registered for 5 (yes, 5) classes at the hospital we are delivering at. Newborn care, breastfeeding, an orientation class, and a class called "Happiest Baby on the Block" with soothing techniques. I called Brandon and told him I registered for all of these classes, told him he would be going with me, and sent him Google calendar invites straight to his email so he would remember all of them. He said "Ok, that's fine! Whatever you want me to do!" Those words are like heaven to a pregnant woman's years. Heck, to any woman's ears!
Let me pause for a second and just remind myself and everyone reading this how AWESOME Brandon has been throughout this pregnancy. I have huge hormonal rage outbursts (all of which have been taken out on him) and he just looks at me (by this point, I'm usually bawling my eyes out) and says "I love you. Everything is going to be ok." Gosh, I love him.
We also found out recently that we won't be able to move in our house (the house we are renting from a sweet couple @ our church) until after Mason gets here. Probably August/September. (Which actually is when our lease is up anyway!) We will not be looking for another house. I know this is the house God has intended for us to live in. At first, this made me very nervous. I have said this whole time we would not be bringing Mason home to a tiny apartment with two messy, loud dogs. Isn't it funny how God's plans and our plans rarely match up together? :) And to be honest, this is actually the least of my worries now. We will have to do some extra cleaning/rearranging in our apartment to be prepped to bring Mason home, but we can do that. Especially since we've already started!
So with all that said, you can see my anxiety level has been higher than usual lately. I know God is in control. I know God has a plan specifically for me, Brandon, and Mason. I know He will provide for us. I have faith in Him. And I believe He created Kate at The Small Things Blog if for any reason, to post this blog post today. (I realize how dramatic that sounds. I'm pregnant. Give me a break.) Yall, these were the EXACT words I needed to hear. And I know it was no coincidence that He led me to that blog for me to read them.
Let him have all your worries and cares,
for he is always thinking about you
and watching everything that concerns you.
1 Peter 5:7
Repeating these words over and over and over...
Side note: I re-read all of this before publishing it. How blessed am I? Seriously. I am so blessed to be pregnant, to be expecting a son, a precious baby boy. I am so blessed to have the problems that I have. For in trials and tests of trust, that's when I grow closest to Him. Thank you Lord for your blessings and for the trials you put in my way. I pray I never take this pregnancy for granted. I pray I never take Mason or Brandon for granted. Thank you for giving me even more purpose on this earth: being a mother. If there's something I've told myself this entire pregnancy, it's that it could always be worse. When I start feeling tired, sick, or just exhausted, or start thinking about having to live in an apartment with a baby - I think to myself "It could always be worse." I've been so thankful to have a great pregnancy thus far and I know God's got it all under control.

25 Weeks

Due date: July 11, 2014
Size of the baby: About the size of an eggplant!
Maternity clothes: Yep!
Gender: BOY! Mason Richard!
Movement: He's moving around more and more every day. He likes when I eat sweets and listen to the song "Happy" by Pharrell. Mainly because it makes his Momma happy and I start dancing around! lol
Sleep: Good nights & bad nights.
What I miss: Laying on my stomach! Ohhh I miss that.
Cravings: Sweets! and I've actually been craving milk lately!
Symptoms: Back & leg pain/cramps.
Best moment this week: Attending our first class Thursday night!
What I'm looking forward to in the next week: Being one week closer to meeting our baby boy!

I had an awesome weekend with my girls last weekend! They threw a small shower for me and surprised me with a prenatal massage! Heck yeah! It was awesome! We had lots of laughter, good food, and great memories! So grateful for them!

Awesome decorations & a cute fruit pizza!

Megan, Kate, Brooke, Sara, Bethany & Sam!